Guidance Website
Please visit the EWW Guidance Website here.
Guidance Counsellors
Suzanne Keple - Students with last names A-K
613-225-8826 x2014
Sarah Parke - Students with last names L-Z
613-225-8826 x2015
School-Based Supports
Wyn Wood students also have access to other supports, including:
- Social Worker
- Psychologist
- Rideauwood Counsellor
- Youth Workers
- On-site Food Bank
To access these supports, please check in with your Guidance Counsellor.
Other Supports
If you or a friend are in need of immediate support, contact:
- YSB Crisis Line (18 and under) at 613-260-2360
- YSB Crisis Chat (18 and under) at
- Ottawa Crisis Line (urgent support) at 613-722-6914
- Ottawa Distress Centre (general support) at 613-238-3311
- Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868
- Kids Help Phone Chat Line: Text "TALK" to 686868
Courses Offered
Here is the current list of courses offered at Elizabeth Wyn Wood. Please note that this list is subject to change.
Graduating This Year?
Deadline to apply to College (for equal consideration): February 1, 2024
Deadline to apply to University (for equal consideration): January 15, 2024
Community Hours: Please see the OCDSB's Community Involvement Page.